
PReschool/School Observations

Several services are available that are not covered by insurance. With school and preschool observations, I am able to observe your child in the classroom setting to identify areas for improvement, difficulties that the child is having in the classroom and to identify ways to help your child succeed in the classroom. More information is available if you are interested in this service, please contact me at (419) 458-3030.

Preschool/School Consultations

With a preschool or school consultation, the therapist can meet with the parent/guardian, teachers and other administrators that are having difficulty with the child. The therapist, after conducting an in classroom observation is able to report back to the family, and teachers the observation information, recommendations, helpful suggestions, and positive strengths of the child.  If you are interested in this service, please contact me today!

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School Meetings

Periodically, parents and teachers or administrators meet to discuss current needs of the child. There are times that it would be helpful to have another person who can offer additional input to what has been helping the child in the therapy sessions. This service is available to clients of Mending Hearts Counseling Center.

IEP/504 Meetings

Another service offered to clients of Mending Hearts Counseling Service is the ability of the therapist to attend IEP or 504 Meetings to be able to offer support to the family and to help make recommendations on things that the client has been working on in the counseling session.